Editing Metelkova’s Graffiti with Adobe Lightroom

Hello Shutterbugs, 🙂

How are you doing? Have you taken any new photos or recorded a new YouTube video? Today, I edited this photo that I recently took in Ljubljana on Metelkova. I love street art and graffiti. Metelkova in Ljubljana is perfect for such photographic opportunities. I think we should have more corners like this where anyone who wants to can express their art.

I mean, I like galleries where established artists are showcased, but I prefer to stay where street art is at home. Everything is more relaxed and spontaneous. There aren’t all those rules of good behavior. You don’t have to constantly think about how to behave. It doesn’t matter whether you’re holding water or beer. Here, you can say a few f** words, and no one will look at you strangely. 😛

Now, let’s get to my photo edit. The original graffiti was in orange, yellow, and teal colors. I don’t think that combination worked too well. I much prefer the orange that slowly fades into red. And blue instead of teal. That’s how I edited this photo, too. I also emphasized the black color. So, the black is even darker. That’s it.

Check out the video on YouTube where I edited the graffiti photo

Before and after of the photo

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